All of a sudden, this name became a household in Andhra Pradesh after he is alleged taking a bribe of 5 crores to grant bail to Gali Janardhan Reddy. This judge is now planning to lodge a case on the media, say reports.
Pattabi Ramarao, addition chief justice of CBI Special Court I, is suspended from service after CBI sleuths reported to high court that he has taken bribes. Since HC has put its orders in place, Pattabi is not coming out of his home in Judge's Residential Complex of Hyderabad. Our enthusiastic media has been camping outside his home since morning and is trying to contact him for his explanation regarding the total scenario.
However, he has chosen to stay indoors before refusing to contact any media through any ways. He has finally left a note for media houses that he will lodge a case on media for harassing him continuously with their over enthusiasm. But, no one is out there to register a case lodged by this tainted judge as his corrupt methods are exposed to a max now.
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