Deepika Padukone rocked the nation with her simplistic and vibrant avatar in her debut film ‘Om Shanti Om’ where she personified the story of an actress from the golden era of 1970’s. She was well accepted and welcomed by the industry as despite of being a supermodel before, she very convincingly portrayed the character in the film where she starred opposite Shah Rukh khan.
Her style and charisma had floored everyone then and she was the one who
revised the 70’s fashion statement and got them back in the scheme of things. Post that she did various films but none got her the kind of praise which she had received for her debut flick. And now the dimpled actress Deepika will soon yet again revive the same image in Ganesh Hegde’s next music album that will be out soon. She will be seen in a vibrant colorful avatar which is inspired from the retro era.
So all you Deepika Padukone fans get set to witness the retro magic yet again.
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