In a major setback to the Telugu Desam party, it's MLA Kodali Nani is likely to shift his loyalties to YSR Congress chief YS Jaganmohan Reddy. He is now seeking permission from the Chanchalguda jail authorities to allow him to meet Jagan.
Nani had already sent feelers to the YSRC and expressed his wish to join the party in the near future. But, he wants to meet Jagan and discuss few issues before quitting his parent party. YSRC sources say, Jagan responded positively to the appeal of the MLA and agreed to meet him.
As per the rules, political campaign is strictly restricted in the jail premises. Due the same reason, BJP Presidential poll candidate PA Sangma wasn't allowed to meet Jagan in Chanchalguda. Will the jail officials permit Kodali Nani to meet Jagan is a million dollar question now.
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