In a rather shocking incident, a father who has to take care of his children became the 'death-god' in their lives. The incident came to light after three children were rescued by an emergency team from a local burial ground in Vellore District of Tamilnadu. Pandiyan is a construction worker living in Alayamgam village of Tamilnadu. Upon his marriage to Malar, he became father of three children, a girl Jayalakshmi aged 10, sons Nagaraj (7) and Devraj (3).
After a fight in the family with his wife, Pandiyan's wife left home leaving children with her husband. Estranged with her acts, he took children to the local bus stand and made them drink cool drinks mixed with poison. After that he left them at a graveyard near Konamedu village before going into oblivion.
The three children are admitted to Vaniyambadi Government Hospital now, where they are in critical stage battling for life. A search is on for Pandiyan, stated the TN police.
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