The CBI special court judge T Pattabhirama Rao, who is facing the allegations of receiving bribe, has struck a deal with the former Karnataka minister Gali Janardhan Reddy for Rs. 60 crores to grant bail for not just for the mining baron alone, but also for everyone who were accused in the case.
During the preliminary investigation, CBI sources suspected that the deal might be set at Rs. 5 crore. However, the investigation sleuths found out that the deal was finalized for Rs. 60 crores after recording the telephone coversations of judge's son.
The CBI already seized Rs 3 crore in the Bank Of Baroda bank account of Pattabhirama Rao's son and also started searches in the residences of Judge and his kin for the rest of the money. Investigation agency is also probing the roles of Gali's brother, law minister Erasu
Prathap Reddy, Rowdy Sheeter Yadagiri, ex-reporter Ramachandra Reddy and an advocate.
Pattabhirama Rao granted bail to Gali Janardhan Reddy on May 11. Later, the CBI appealed in High Court to stay the bail order and the judgement came in favour of them on May 23.
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