Chennai: The Central Crime Branch sleuths have arrested the State vice president of Pattali Makkal Katchi for allegedly selling land at Korattur worth Rs 50 lakh with forged documents. Police arrested KN Sekar (43) of Kallikuppam, Ambattur, the State vice president of PMK, in a real estate office at Thirumangalam following a complaint from a grocer T George of Periyar Nagar.
Police said George alleged that he had purchased a land belonging to Dr Thavamani of Kovilpatti, who had bought it from KN Sekar. The owner of the land Nagavalli had given power of attorney of the land to KN Sekar.
When George applied for encumbrance, he found that Sekar had also sold the land to one D Usha of Secretariat Colony, who had in turn sold it to a builder and developer through her agent, police said. The company had sold it to two others.
Following a complaint that the document registered with Thavamani was the one that was valid and that George was the land owner, police made the arrest.
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