The CBI special judge T Pattabhi Ramarao was suspended on Thursday for allegedly accepting Rs. 5 crore bribe from former Karnataka minister Gali Janardhan Reddy for granting bail.
In the absence of regular judge, Ramarao granted bail to the prime accused in illegal mining case, Gali Janardhan Reddy on May 12. However, the mining baron wasn't released due to his involvement in another illegal mining case.
During its investigation, CBI found out that the bribe money was deposited in the bank lockers of Judge's kin. The investigation agency has already given instructions to the concerned banks to block the access of Judge and his kin to the lockers. Based on the complaint lodged by CBI against the Judge, AP High Court chief justice B Lokur ordered for an enquiry into the matter, apart from suspended the culprit.
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