Santhosh Sedhumadhavan, who is busy shooting for his film ‘Chattakkari’ says that remaking the film was a huge challenge. Santhosh says that when he discussed the idea of remaking the film with his legendary film maker dad, K S Sethumadhavan, the veteran had asked him to be careful about it!
Santhosh says that it would impossible for him to compete with his dad’s version of the film. Neither does he intend to
reproduce a xerox copy of his dad’s work. There would be several changes in his ‘Chattakkari’; the kind of changes that time demands on the film maker.
Some characters in the film would be given a little more prominence than they were given in the original. He also hopes to being in some extra emotions into the plot, and build on the elements of fantasy in it even further. Santhosh was talking to a prominent Malayalam film magazine when he talked of his experience of remaking ‘Chattakkari’.
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