Rima Kallingal who is riding high on the success of her latest film ’22 F Kottayam’ directed by Aashiq Abu says that she is unromantic to the core. Rima was interacting with an FM radio station, when she said that she is a very emotional person, who might even cry watching movies!
Rima also made it very clear that she is not the kind of person who would hide it, if she were in love with some one. She was full of praise for her co-star in ’22 F Kottayam’, Fahad Fazil, and said that she admires him for the way he gets into the skin of the characters that he plays. He is a
wonderful artist and co-star, she added, and maintained that Fahad is a very good friend of hers. The actress has received many accolades of her portrayal of Tessa Abraham in the film ’22 F Kottayam’ and remembered that there were several intense scenes in the film that were challenging.
Rima would now be seen in Saji Surendran’s ‘Husbands in Goa’. The film is expected to be rollicking comedy, and the actress would play a light hearted characters in it which would be such a far cry from the one that she essayed in ’22 F Kottayam’.
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