The rift between Chief minister Kiran Kumar Reddy and PCC Chief Botsa Satyanarayana has reached a saturation point. It is because of this, Kiran Kumar Reddy is working on the possibilities to sack Botsa and induct information technology minister Ponnala Lakshmaiah in place of him.
Seems like, the Telangana factor has worked in favour of Ponnala, who faced many corruption allegations when he was the irrigation minister during late YS Rajasekhar Reddy's tenure. There are reports in the political circles that the High Command is considering changing chief minister and a Telangana leader might be the next CM. So, Kiran has chosen T-leader Ponnala for the PCC Chief post to put breaks to the plans of party leadership for time being, as both CM and PCC Chief can't hail from the same region.
It's like 'Two Birds in One Shot' for Kiran, who had mastered the art of politics. If everything goes as per his plan, Kiran might be in the CM chair till 2014 and the time span will give him a chance to prove his caliber.
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