With LokSabha speaker Meera Kumar accepting the resignation of Congress MP from Mekapati, the YSR Congress Party opened its guns again. Ambati Rambabu utilized the chance well to split venom on state government.
'When he gave the resignation on August 24th, what is this government doing all these days? Do the tremors started now?' Ambati fumed at the happening. Though it is a good sign for us, it clearly shows that the congress is making a calculated political move as they have no other option, he added. With late CM YSR's name surfacing the CBI charge sheet, Mekapati Rammohan Reddy, MP from Nellore constituency submitted his resignation in August last year. As the Rajyasabha elections are also approaching, the Congress is taking a chance to conduct all the polls phase wise it seems.
Also heard that Kiran Kumar is planning to sack and disqualify the MLAs supporting Jagan in a couple of days by making speaker accept their resignations. Ambati stated, 'the strategy of CM is clear. They don't want elections at all the places in same time. They want it piece by piece and so delaying the acceptance of resignations'. Analysts say it also looks like a plan to cut the power of Jagan's supporter slowly in the wake of CBI arresting him soon!
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