Zahida Parvez, a Bhopal-based interior designer and a prime suspect in the RTI activist Shehla Masood murder case, has allegedly recorded a video filming herself in a compromising position with a local BJP MLA. Sources in the CBI, the agency which is probing the murder case, has recovered two such CDs from the residence of Parvez.
Sources said CBI sleuths are trying to ascertain the motive of Parvez behind filming her own video with the local BJP legislator. “It is still not clear whether the video was filmed to black-mail the politician or for some other purpose”, sources said. The agency officials had conducted searches at the residence of Parvez in Maharana Pratap Nagar area in Bhopal on March 1 and recovered certain documents and two CDs. The agency on February 28 arrested Zahida and a contract killer-Saqib Ali ‘Danger’ alias Shyam in connection with the case.
“Probe has established that the video was recorded at the residence of Parvez in Maharana Pratap Nagar area in Bhopal. The agency has already questioned Parvez in this regard”, sources said. She remained un-cooperative during questioning, sources added.
Sources further said, “She may be subjected to narco analysis and brain-mapping tests also, if required. The brain-mapping test is done to interpret the behaviour of the suspect and corroborate the investigating officers’ observation and the suspect’s statements”. The agency will first need to seek the consent of the suspect as legal provisions entail that such a test can not be conducted without his or her permission, sources added.
“At present the agency is examining all fresh evidence collected so far in the case. The agency is thoroughly examining the statements of certain people, which have been recorded recently”, sources said.
Meanwhile, the designated CBI court at Indore on Friday allowed the agency to conduct the polygraph test on state BJP vice president and MLA Dhruv Narayan Singh in connection with the murder of RTI activist. According to available information, after interrogating the BJP leader, who it is said was having close relations with Shehla Masood and also the main accused Zahida Parvez, the CBI had approached the designated CBI court at Indore for permission to conduct the polygraph test on him. This is a crucial move by the CBI, which is now busy piecing together the evidences in this case. The remand for the three accused arrested by the CBI in the Shehla murder case ends on March 13.
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