Producer Mahadevu and Manu Gowda pocketing a few crores of rupees from the business of ‘Chingari’ did not bother to attend the media briefing on Monday night.
According to Harsha director of the film the father and son are on business trip in Mysore for a land deal. According to distributor of the film there is something else to explain.
After finalizing on the business of ‘Chingari’ and the publicity work taken up producer Mahadev has given me full rights to take the film further. That is the reason why producer Mahadevu and Manu Gowda have not turned up. It is my duty now to handle the business of the film stated distributor Prasad of Sammarth Enterprises.
Producing the film and handing it over to distributor after taking the profits on investment is nothing but delivering a baby and giving away to someone else. The emotional bondage that misses between mother and child is similar in this ‘Chingari’ film business.
Makers are different, takers are someone else!
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