Hot heroine anushka has got strong following in South India. Being a Kannadiga, she made a niche of own in Telugu industry doing films with all the top heroes. Off late, anushka has disappeared from main focus in Tollywood for the reasons which every one knew. Currently she is doing ‘Damarukam’ with Nagarjuna but Sweety is making sure that media does not get an eye on her.
However, if her die hard Fans are made to believe that anushka is not at all doing any films for now even in other languages,
then none is ready to accept so. Yes, the hot Yoga Babe is accepting Aravam films in a row, without giving a thought on her admirers in Andhra Pradesh is one point which is indigestive. anushka might have deliberately kept herself away from Telugu films yet such a long break is not at all suggestible for her flying career. Why can’t Nag explain this to anushka?
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