Bollywood actor Deepika Padukone is in huge dilemma as filmmaker Ramesh Taurani who was upset with the actor after she walked out of his film at the last moment has filed a complaint against the actor with Cine & TV Artistes Association (CINTAA). Taurani's sudden step of suing the leggie lass has shocked everyone from the film industry. Earlier, the filmmaker passed bad remarks on the actor and even blamed her publicly for acting 'Unprofessional'. Apparently, sources close to the filmmaker suggest that Taurani took such a strict action as he was expecting an apology from the dusky beauty or at least a confrontation.
However, Deepika did not even bother to have a talk with the filmmaker and simply walked out of the project. Meanwhile, Deepika was not available to comment on the entire matter. It would be interesting to watch what will be Deepika's reaction towards Taurani's legal action.
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