Bollywood actress Esha Deol, who acted opposite Suriya in Mani Ratnam directed Ayudha Ezhuthu, got engaged to her boyfriend Bharat Takhtani at a family function attended by close relatives and select friends in Mumbai on Sunday.
Esha is the daughter of top Bollywood actor Dharmendra and ace actress Hemamalini, who hails from Tamil Nadu's Sri Rangam. . Esha and Bharat have been dating for a while now and their engagement is apparently their parents' Valentines' Day gift to the couple.
As an army of photographers and videographers gathered out of the venue, Esha came out with Bharat and playfully flashed her engagement ring to the waiting lensmen. The couple stepped out for a while and posed for pictures for them.
Glowing in a simple and elegant pink sari with green embellishment, Esha chose to keep a simple look, while her beau looked handsome in a formal attire. 'We are very happy today for Esha and Bharat. It is a happy moment for all of us. Bharat is a very nice person,' Hema told reporters later.
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