Filmmaker Ashok Thakeria and Indra Kumar have planned to make their 2004 hit sex comedy 'Masti' a franchise by offering a sequel titled 'Masti 2'. Meanwhile, the filmmaker duo has confirmed that his male leads would be same that include Vivek Oberoi, Aftab Shivdasani and Riteish Deshmukh. However, the female leads are not yet confirmed. Apparently, Kumar is in talks with the couple Riteish-Genelia to feature in pair for his upcoming flick. However, the starry couple has not yet confirmed the news on their side.
The couple is already gearing up with their upcoming flick 'Tere Naal Love Ho Gaya's release that is soon to hit the theatres. The newlywed couple is busy promoting their flick after which they might plan a honeymoon. Meanwhile, Indra Kumar refuses to divulge into film's further details as the filmmaker claims that he has not yet even penned down the script.
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