Earlier, reports suggested that megastar Amitabh Bachchan who underwent a stomach surgery reasoning an abdominal pain on Saturday at Mumbai's Seven Hills Hospital was about to get discharged from the hospital. However, due to few undue reasons, his discharge was delayed leading the actor to spend one more day in hospital. 'OK .. ! Not such an exciting day! Acute pain throughout, but bearing up... Still in hospital and delay now in release,' posted Amitabh on micro-blogging site, Twitter. Few hours' later, the veteran actor was shifted to palatial suite that comprises
of two guest rooms, study room and cyber. ‘Back...!! Thank you for your prayers... your love and wishes never fail... indebted for life, one that I shall never be able to pay back. You all are incredible... thank you', 69-year-old further tweeted. Big B was complaining of a severe pain in his abdomen to which he was recommended by doctors to undergo a minor stomach surgery. However, the surgery proved to be successful and the actor is stable now.
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