Veteran actor Anupam Kher insists his closed pals and relatives not to mourn his father Pushkarnath Kher's death as the actor feels that his father was a person full of life, with an outgoing nature. In his recent media interaction, Kher revealed that his father had always taught him and his brother Raju to spread happiness everywhere. Apparently, the veteran actor had flied to Goa to attend filmmaker David Dhawan's son Rohit's wedding after which he received a call from his brother Raju that his father is no more. Just after learning the news, Kher again returned to Mumbai.
Kher recalls his struggling days as an actor when he used to make STD calls every day to his father who then used to stay in Shimla. Kher reveals that he was very much close to his father and his father recently shifted his base to Mumbai just to be with his sons.
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