Bollywood actor Zarine Khan has apparently turned down an offer to sizzle in an item number from Anand Kumar's upcoming directorial venture 'Zilla Ghaziabad'. Speculations are going rife that Zarine who was earlier very keen into shaking her legs for the item number reportedly opted out of it after learning that she would be sharing screen space with actor Vivek Oberoi in the song.
Reportedly, Zarine backed out of the song as she did not want to upset her mentor
Salman Khan by featuring along with his arch rival. Apparently, Zarine was even paid Rs. 30 lakhs by the filmmakers to feature in the item song that is to be titled 'Main Chamiya No.1'. Even Zarine found the item song interesting and readily accepted it but further had to turn it down to remain loyal to her tutor Salman.
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