Veteran actor Amitabh Bachchan's granddaughter Beti B paid a visit to the actor at Mumbai's Seven Hills Hospital along with her mother actor Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. The 69-year-old actor is in hospital as he underwent minor stomach surgery reasoning abdominal pain for a long period of time. Reportedly, Aishwarya was carrying her three-month- old daughter in her hand. Beti B was covered under a pink blanket.
Apparently, this is Aishwarya as well as Beti B's second outing from their home. The duo earlier went to Goa with Abhishek Bachchan on February 5 to celebrate the actor's birthday. Meanwhile, Big B is still suffering from acute pain even after a successful surgery and that is the reason actor's release from the hospital is postponed and he may not be even allowed to go home today.
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