Bollywood megastar Amitabh Bachchan is having a tough time battling his abdominal pain post two stomach surgeries. However, this has not kept the actor away from constantly updating about his health to his close pals and numerous fans. 'A day that brings to you brink of wellness and pushes you back into the well of uneasy health...the body shall dictate always…Cure can be distasteful always till it begins to work…till
that happens, your faith in it diminishes by the minute and suddenly AIW….All Izzzz Well!!' posted the 69-year-old actor on micro-blogging site Twitter.
The actor who was undergoing severe pain is feeling better now and is waiting to get discharged from the hospital soon. Sr.Bachchan was about to get discharged on this Monday. However, due to several reasons doctors recommended the yesteryear actor to rest in the hospital for some more days.
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