It seems sultry beauty Bipasha Basu who recently split with her long time beau, actor John Abraham has not given up from relationships as the actor is now going gaga over upcoming romantic comedy flick 'Jodi Breakers's co-star Madhavan and thus wishes to have a life partner like him. Well, this is not over yet, the 33-year-old actor even suggested her co-star Madhavan to find a guy similar to him. Bipasha is amazed by the way Madhavan handles his personal and professional life. The South
actor manages time for his kids and wife and is very much dedicated to whatever he commits. These traits of perfect husband are what Bipasha is looking for and she has found it in her upcoming flick’s co-star.
Meanwhile, she has also advised Madhavan to find a person like him who shall be younger and fitter than him. The on-screen couple are on whirlwind to promote their upcoming flick that is about to be released by 24 February.
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