It's been over a year since B-town actor Aamir Khan has quit smoking. There was a time when the actor used to consume forty cigarettes per day. The 47-year-old actor tried hard several times but could not overcome his addiction. However,his wife turned filmmaker Kiran Rao and kids helped him to get rid of the bad habit. Actor recalls that whenever he used to await his film's release,his quantity of cigarette
consumption would rise gradually just because of the tension and the pressure. However, now the actor feels free and proud that he has actually quit the dirty habit of smoking. Aamir is now looking forward to work hard on his physique by hitting gym continuously to don a great body for YRF's upcoming flick 'Dhoom 3', which kicks off just one week after his another flick 'Talaash' release. Well, we think SRK might take some tips from Aamir, What say?
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