Young hero Nitin has acted as the main lead in the movie 'Ishq' and the movie has celebrated its platinum disc function in Hyderabad. Director Vikram kumar, producer Vikram goud, Nitin, Nitya Menon, Tagubotu Ramesh, Anoop Rubens, Ramesh Samala, Srinivas Reddy and presenter of the film Vasu and others were present at the function.
Hero Nitin said that the success of ‘Ishq’ audio has proved that the audience will
always encourage good music. This audio became a super hit only because of the Pawan Kalyan who launched the audio and he thanked each and every one who are behind this film.
Producer Vikram goud said that the credit for the success of ‘Ishq’ audio belongs to the Anoop and he thanked music lovers for accepting the songs and making it a super hit. All others participated in this event were expressed their happy over the music success and the platinum discs were presented by the Nandini Reddy to the unit members.
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