Sahid Kapoor and Priyanka Chopra are soon to be witnessed on the silver screens in the much awaited Kunal Kohli’s “Teri Meri Kahani” scheduled to hit the theatres on June 22. As all spectators are well aware for the flick dealing with three different eras it will also excite them to know that the part of the flick also takes the initiative to salute the legends of those periods.
Though the story of the flick goes through the struggling phase of a singer during 1960’s depicted by Shahid Kapoor but a minor portion is inspired by the legendary superstars namely Dev Anand, Dilip Kumar and Raj Kapoor. The Actor was too excited and even glad while performing into the flick as Sahid Kapoor initiated the timing to deliver a tribute to the veterans, now be it a small.
After 2009 Vishal Bhardwaj’s hit “Kaminey” Priyanka Chopra and Shahid Kapoor will now be showering their glamour in this flick and is scheduled to hit the theatres on June 22. The flick will also be accompanied with Actress Prachi Desai in the lead role.
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