Buzz is going round that Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor might step into the shoes of director for her good friend and filmmaker Karan Johar. Apparently, Bebo is keen to direct a film for Karan's Dharma Productions. Bebo was behind the camera for some sequences of Karan's 'Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu' which highly impressed the filmmaker and Karan approached Bebo to direct one of his forthcoming projects. As
Bebo is very close to Karan it is suggested that Bebo might consider his offer.
Apparently, Bebo never acts demanding when she works for Karan, also she never discusses monetary issues with the filmmaker. Speculations are going rife that Karan is now keen to cast Bebo in his upcoming joint production venture with good friend Ekta Kapoor. However, nothing is yet confirmed from the actor's or filmmaker's side.
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