Not very long ago Bollywood fashionista Sonam Kapoor had revealed that how she along with her superstar father Anil Kapoor had indulged in the practice of hot yoga in order to maintain the physical and mental health. And it seems that they are already satisfied with the results of their hard work on yoga.
Though they initiated the process of practicing yoga with a common goal of being at the peak of their health, both father and daughter had their personal aims as well. Sonam who had recently revealed that she had no qualms to wear a bikini couldn’t don the beach outfit coz according to her
she doesn’t has a bikini body. But the actress didn’t accept the defeat and was practicing yoga to get the perfect hour glass figure. “I want to be fitter and hence I'm learning hot yoga to get a bikini body.
I don't believe if one has to sport a bikini she should be in a size-zero frame to flaunt it. One just needs a fit, sexy and toned body” confessed Sonam. She further claimed that yoga has helped her acquire mental peace as well, “Hot yoga has not just helped me physically but has also made me calmer. Being in the kind of business I am in, the mind tends to wander. Hot yoga puts everything into the right perspective so the mind doesn't wander and concentrates on one thing at a time.” exclaimed Sonam.
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