Bollywood actor Sanjay Dutt and Bengali babe, Bipasha Basu are all set to share screen space for a Hindi remake of upcoming Bengali wildlife thriller film titled as ‘Jole Jongole’. The film is titled as ‘Gehra Paani’ in Hindi. Yesteryear filmmaker, Nitish Roy would direct the film. Bipasha and Sanjay will start shooting for the upcoming film at film city in the Maoist-infested area of West Midnapore district.
As the film is all about wildlife adventure the
locations should also look more real, reveals a source. Sanjay Dutt will be essaying a role of a crazy scientist who creates a genetically superior crocodile by inculcating human intelligence into it. Sanjay and Bipasha play a pivotal role in the Hindi version, meanwhile Mithun Chakraborty, Ashish Vidyarthi and Tinnu Anand play key roles in the upcoming Bengali flick.
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