Nanban is a remake of Bollywood blockbuster 3 Idiots, which starred Aamir Khan, Madhavan, Sharman Joshi and Kareena Kapoor in the leads. In the Tamil version, Vijay, Srikanth, Jeeva and Ileana are enacting the respective roles.Nanban is to hit the screens this week. Once the film is out, there will be several comparisons with the original.
But actor Sathyaraj, who has played a vital role in the film, views it differently. He says, “There won’t be any comparison from the
audience side. Apart from Chennai, the audience for Hindi films is very small in Tamil Nadu and has been diminishing since my college days.
So those who have not seen the original will feel the freshness of the film. Nanban is incomparable., “I have not done such a role in my 200 films. The role was very challenging. I am very excited about the film’s release.”Shankar said, ‘Nanban has come really good. I was impressed watching the original and hence chose to do the remake. Vijay was phenomenal and was always punctual on sets.
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