Bollywood actor, Hrithik Roshan is going to celebrate his 38th birthday today. However, the actor wants his birthday to be a low-key affair. Reportedly, Hrithik will not be throwing a bash; instead he plans to spend a quality time with his family. Hrithik is gearing up for his highly anticipated upcoming flick, ‘Agneepath’.
The ‘Krissh’ actor completed dubbing for Karan Johar’s film on Sunday. Hrithik has kept high hopes with Karan Malhotra’s
debutant directorial venture and also admits that even if he plays the protagonist of the film, all the three characters, ‘Vijay’ , ‘Kaancha’ and ‘Kaali’ played by himself, Sanjay Dutt and Priyanka Chopra respectively essay pivotal roles in the film. The actor has planned a dinner with his wife, Suzaane and kids, Hridhaan and Hrehaan for tonite. Hrithik feels optimistic for his upcoming release and if the film turns out to be a hit, he will consider it as his best gift ever.
Well, we wish Hrithik success in his forthcoming year ahead.
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