Actor turned filmmaker, Arbaaz Khan and filmmaker, Anurag Kashyap overthrew their animosity and patched up at filmmaker’s Farhan Akhtar’s recent birthday bash. It seems Arbaaz took the initiative to get into cordial relation with the ‘Dev.D’ filmmaker. Arbaaz on micro-blogging site, Twitter posted, ‘Met Anurag Kashyap at Farhan’s party after his Twitter outburst. Had a long chat. All izz well now.’ Arbaaz also posted a picture of the duo, which indicated their friendship.
Things went wrong between Arbaaz and Anurag when, Arbaaz decided to direct the sequel of 2010 blockbuster hit, ‘Dabangg’. However, this news became indigestible to Anurag as his brother, Abhinav directed the original film earlier and Anurag had a misconception of Arbaaz had shown him the doors. However, this misconception was later cleared when Abhinav came out with an announcement of not being interested in directing the sequel. Apparently, things are now well between Arbaaz and Anurag.
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