Now that the film ‘Agent Vinod’s first look has already generated a lot of buzz, Actor-Producer Saif Ali Khan has started playing his cards and we must say he is doing a great job with that. He released the first look of the film in a complete filmy style and now his one after the other comments are making headlines. He recently quoted that as he is not a regular with action the high end scenes in the film were actually tough.
He claimed that the creative team of the film made him work really hard and they had
actually sent him to get professional training in martial arts so that the action scenes look more than convincing. “As far as I am concerned I thought action would be fun, but it was very frightening. It's not easy,” said Saif. He further talked on behalf of his co-star and lady love Kareena Kapoor. He revealed that she is not quite an action buff but blew off people with her performance, “She doesn't like doing action as she isn’t comfortable with it, but once she does that she is very good at it. She gives pretty intense expressions” added Saif.
The film releases on 23rd March 2012 and according to Saif it is one of the most expensive and ambitious film of his career.
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