Bollywood actor Imran Khan is busy attending promotional events for his forthcoming flick ‘Ek Main Aur Ekk Tu’ with co-star Kareena Kapoor. In his recent media interaction at one such promotional event Imran refuted rumors doing round which claimed that his upcoming film is based on Hollywood film ‘What Happened in Vegas?’ Imran stated that his upcoming flick is very different from the Hollywood flick and one can easily make this out just by watching both the films’ trailers. Imran is much confident and optimistic about his upcoming flick.
Imran plays a role of an obedient son in this Karan Johar production venture. Imran also admitted that the film is catered towards today young generation. Meanwhile, he is also confident about his crackling on-screen chemistry with Kareena Kapoor. The film has already generated large interest amongst the audience and is slated for pre-valentine release.
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