Bollywood’s latest film ‘The Dirty Picture’ has done more good to Vidya Balan than expected. The film not only compelled her to undergo a complete makeover but has also pushed her on the same position which is currently enjoyed by the likes of Kareena Kapoor and Katrina Kaif. Apparently the actress has now upped her price value and henceforth will be demanding a humongous Rs. 7 crores for each film. She supposedly has escalated her fees after the super success of ‘The Dirty Picture’.
The recently released film has not only earned approximately Rs. 50 crores at box office but has also broken several records of sorts. Hence the news of Vidya hiking her fees comes as no surprise. However when Vidya was confronted with this gossips, she was smart enough to laugh it off and sealed the query with a cunning statement. The actress stated, “If people think that I deserves it then I am ready to accept it but haven’t made any such demand”.
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