Bollywood’s loved filmmaker Farhan Akhtar stands for the word experimentation. He made sensational waves with his directorial film ‘Dil Chahta Hai’ that earned the cult status in the long run. But it was only now that he revealed that he always fantasized of doing action films and hence the franchise ‘Don’ is extremely special for him.
Farhan recently confessed that the kind of stunts executed in the sequel ‘Don 2’, are very real and believable. Farhan confessed that he designed the kind of stunts which he himself enjoys watching and is optimistic
that audience’s opinion will match with his. Farhan says, “All the fist fighting sequences and combat scenes are very real”. When further quizzed on the reason behind keeping the action close to real life and here’s his justification, “I consciously stayed away from the ‘cinematic’ fights where a guy does three summersaults when hero hits him.”
Farhan believes that it is his way of presenting the action-crime based film, “It’s my take on how a movie like this should be”.
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