Bollywood beauty Shilpa Shetty got hitched to billionaire Raj Kundra in a fairy tale wedding a few years back. However the actress who apart from being the Bollywood diva is also a business woman decided to take her own time to go the family way. Nevertheless at regular intervals the actress was quizzed over the plans of extending the family. But time and again Shilpa Shetty refrained from disclosing the details.
However this time we hear that the actress is ready to open up as
she is expecting her first baby and will be soon revealing this secret out. She has started giving out the ‘good news’ to her close friends and family. It is heard that Shilpa Shetty had already suffered a miscarriage early this year and hence the couple was extra cautious in spreading the good news this time around. We hope this time the ‘good news’ brings a lot more cheer to their life.
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