‘Band Bajaa Baraat’ debutant, Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma are highly promoting their movie, ‘Ladies vs Ricky Bahl’ which hit the theatres yesterday. In their media interaction at a promotional event, Ranveer Singh revealed, “Anushka is the most generous and supportive co-star anybody would have. She has taught me so many things and the best part I like about her is that she never holds back with her criticisms and suggestions and I hope to do more films with her”. He also added that his second-time co-star is brutally honest to him.
‘Ladies Vs Ricky Bahl’ is Ranveer and Anushka’s second film together after ‘Band Bajaa Baraat’. The duo are very much excited for their latest film as except the cast members of the film, the entire team of the movie is similar to ‘Band Bajaa Baraat’.
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