The late Bollywood legendary actor and filmmaker, Dev Anand who recently passed away suffering from cardiac disorder will be getting a memorial service at Mehboob Studios tomorrow in Mumbai. The yesteryear actor’s son, Suniel Anand confirmed the news. The veteran actor had his cremation ceremony at Putney Vale Crematorium at 11.40 am (local time) on Saturday and after which his ashes would be released in Maharashtra’s holy river of Godaveri in Nashik.
Dev’s son Suniel thanked all the fans of his actors for their condolences towards the yesteryear actor. The ‘Jewel Thief’ actor’s death news came as a shock to several b-towners as well as his fans. Dev Anand was honoured by Padma Bhushan Award in 2001 by the Government of India and Dadasaheb Phalke Award in 2002 for his contribution to Indian Cinema. Dev’s career lasted for 65 years in Bollywood and acted in 114 films.
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