‘Rascal’ is the new Kannada film launched on Thursday at Kanteerava studios by JJ productions – Jai Jagadish and Vijayalakshmi Singh. Jai Jagadish eldest daughter lighted the lamp in the presence of Bharani Minerals Bhasker, Kaviraj, Subramanya, Protima Gowri, SV Rajendra Singh Babu, MS Ramesh, Yogish Hunsur and others.
This ‘Rascal’ is a lovable rascal. In the colloquial languages ‘Rascal’ is told as ‘Badava Rascal’. This ‘Rascal’ is loved by women. He lifts the life of timid and disenchanted female protagonist disclosed the writer of dialogues MS Ramesh. It is only MS Ramesh who left the clue about the film and none others. It was another thanks giving media address.
Producer Jai Jagdish lost heavily in his previous films says this is a Pukka Mass Entertainer.He was feeling very happy as his first daughter lighted the lamp at the muhurut of the film.
Director Madesh with huge star cast is making a pukka commercial entertainer and it is for the masses he says.
Adhitya looking tired as he returned from Bangkok schedule a day earlier of his ‘Rebel’ film said I am a Villain, Rebel and now a Rascal. I have not done this kind of role in the past and there is good scope to emote in a flashy moments.
MS Ramesh has penned the dialogues and he has explained the differences of three films of Adhitya in his words and satisfied the media for giving right inputs. A patriotic in Rebel, underplay in Villain and hitting hard in words quickly in Rascal explained the diligent writer and director Ramesh.
The heroine to the height of Adhitya has not yet been selected but Maithriyi with high heels was posing that she is to the height of Adhitya.
The film story is by Ramani the comedy specialist for Adhitya family banner films. V Harikrishna is scoring five songs. He is impressed with the title Rascal says Vijayalakshmi Singh.
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