Mallika Sherawat recently returned to India from Los Angeles after completing her Hollywood projects. In her recent media interaction, Mallika was asked about what she finds more interesting Hollywood or Bollywood, to which the sexy bombshell retorted that she belongs to Bollywood and loves both the film industries.
She revealed that she is a global actor and enjoys working everywhere. The ‘Murder’ actor has signed a Bollywood film ‘Kismat, Love, Paisa, Delhi’ opposite Vivek Oberoi. She will be essaying a role of Haryana girl, where she originally hails from. Mallika tries to maintain balance between both of her
favorite destinations - India and London. She keeps visiting both the places but finds India especially Bollywood more interesting. The reason behind this is that the ‘Hissss’ actor started earning her bread and butter from Bollywood. Mahesh Bhatt’s ‘Murder’ was her biggest success in Bollywood.
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