After delivering a sleeper hit, ’Kolaveri Di’ Dhanush will next step into the shoes of a director. The Tamil film star is all set for his directorial debut in Bollywood. During his recent media interaction, when Dhanush was asked about why has he chose Bollywood instead of Kollywood to which the actor cum singer retorted that he is already doing a job of an actor in Kollywood so he will experiment the task of directing in Bollywood, as the actor believes to concentrate only on one task at a time.
Dhanush further added that he is considering big names for his upcoming Bollywood film, but one name is for sure and that is
Bollywood actor, Hrithik Roshan. Dhanush admires the ‘Agneepath’ actor a lot and thinks that he has the power to pull an entire film. Dhanush will start working on his directorial venture by end of December. Currently the actor is busy promoting his upcoming Tamil movie, ‘3’ in which he is cast opposite Shruthi Haasan.
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