Czech-Pakistani originated model turned actress, Nargis Fakhri is on cloud nine after her latest and debut film's success. In a candid chat, Nargis revealed that she didn't even know who Ranbir Kapoor was before Imtiaz approached her for the film. She just got an offer which she found exciting and thought she could do well so she took up on 'Rockstar'. She further adds, that even if Ranbir's a big star she never had any insecurity in her heart, whether the 'Wake up Sid' actor would steal the limelight of the movie and she might be left unnoticed. Nargis shared a great chemistry with her co-star and considers Ranbir's as her one of very few good friends in B-town.
The American model has now decided to move base to Mumbai. Moving from New York, the newbie wants to take her film career more seriously. Though a model, Nargis always preferred acting as her career. At present, Nargis has bagged three major endorsement deals Tata Motors, Marico's Parachute hair care brand and the women' line of the apparel brand, Van Heusen.
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