Pakistani Actress, Veena Malik who shot to fame following a stint in Reality show, Bigg Boss’s last season is currently shooting for a 3D horror movie. The film is yet untitled. The 35-year old is shooting for the movie in a jungle in Southern India. The film is directed by Telugu film maker Hemant Madhukar.
Veena sparked speculations in her recent media interaction when she stated,”Ra.One is just shot in 2D and later transformed in 3D, whereas my film is shot originally in 3D”. She further adds that it’s a bit time consuming process. She is playing the ‘thriller’ as well as ‘horror’ element of the film. Veena also admits that it is very hard to shoot in the Jungle where she has been deprived of luxuries. Veena, unaware of the fact that Vikram Bhatt’s ‘Haunted’ is the first movie shot originally in 3D in Bollywood admits that her untitled movie is the first movie in the Bollywood which is shot in 3D.
Veena will be next seen in another NDTV’s Reality show,’Swayamvar’.
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