Bollywood critically acclaimed filmmaker Mahesh Bhatt is all in praise for Ram Gopal Varma and his film ‘Not A Love Story’. Mahesh recently saw the film at a special screening and hasn’t stopped raving about it since then. Apart from spreading the word about the film personally, Mahesh has taken the mantle forward and is going out of his way to praise RGV through a wide social networking medium like Twitter. Mahesh Bhatt recently tweeted compliments for RGV’s film, ‘Not a love story is an audacious work of a film maker who wants to touch the audience rather than impress them. Its world view moves u.’ He further went ahead to give the whole credit to the filmmaker, ‘Ramgopal Verma deserves a standing ovation for making an outstanding film, NOT A LOVE STORY raises the bar for Indian Cinema’.
Apart from praising his skills he even applauded him for introducing a fresh technology in the film, ‘Ramu uses a brand new technology in this film. This film will certainly be a game changer’. With such genuine words of praise coming from a veteran like Mahesh, the anticipation around the film has certainly raised new heights.
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