Being under the spot light has its own drawbacks and getting dragged into unnecessary controversies is just one of them. Katrina Kaif, Bollywood’s current Blue eyed girl was recently dragged into pitiful cat fight stories that pitched some of the top actresses opposite Katrina. It was reported that Kareena Kapoor was upset when Katrina was roped in for a small jig in her film ‘Bodyguard’. Later it was even reported that Katrina and Anushka Sharma were at loggerheads over their common make up man. But now Katrina has come clean on all these stories. She recently stated that Kareena instead of being upset was quite active participant in the process when her item number was planned. So no question arises of Kareena being upset with her. Further she clarified she shares no hard feeling with Anushka Sharma and according to Katrina the mentioned issue is a very petty one. Katrina stated that the cat-fight and the camp rumors are very childish and are very silly for the actors who deserve some respect for their work.
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