Prakash Jha’s film ‘Aarakshan’ revolves around the caste based reservation system prevailing in the Indian society. Citing the above mentioned sensitive issue of the film, it garnered a lot more controversies than expected. Though they say that any publicity is good publicity, but the negative publicity that overshadowed the film led to the ban on it in three states (Andhra Pradesh, Punjab and Uttar Pradesh) which didn’t release it on the assigned date. The political rage around the film led to heavy losses for the filmmakers who lost on huge collections citing the fact that all the three states in which the film was banned is a potential market for any film due to its huge population. However in the course of time ban on the film was lifted in Punjab and Andhra Pradesh respectively. This led to rise in collections of the film. After the long weekend the collections increased in urban areas too. This stable rise in the collections of the film has led to a total sum of Rs. 25 crores within the first week of its release. And the shows are supposed to go strong in coming days.
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