After surviving the legal notice from Maria Susairaj, Ram Gopal Varma and his film ‘Not A Love Story’ is slated to face another legal hassle from Emile Jerome Matthew, who is the co-accused in the ‘Neeraj Grover Murder Mystery’ from which the film is inspired. Just days before Emile too had warned Ramu that if he finds any objectionable scenes in the film he will stall the release of his film. True to his words, the director RGV and producer Sunil Bohra were yet again dragged in courts upon the clearance over the film. The film that is slated to release this week is finding it hard to pave a smooth way for itself. However the producers are sure that like Maria’s notice, this legal hassle too will be cleared in the required time as the film has been given a clean chit to the film without any cut by the censors.
The producer recently stated that he has spent too much on the film and will not let anyone stall it so easily. The film is on the verge of release but yet hasn’t found a solution to all its problems.
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