Pune: Officials of the Dehu Road police station have come under heavy criticism for allegedly turning down a 15-year-old’s plea to register a complaint of domestic violence against her husband and in-laws. In addition, they allegedly asked the girl to go back to her husband’s home, and gave her Rs 20 for medical treatment.
Local Child Rights Activists have now demanded action against the officials. According to the complainant, unable to bear the physical torture she was being subjected to on a regular basis, the girl ran away from her in-laws residence at Kalekhadak in Wakad on June 26. She first went to Dehu Road Railway Station where she accidentally met social Nasima Maniyar.
The victim had approached Maniyar asking her for a job. On close observation Maniyar realised that the victim, who was crying bitterly, had been beaten mercilessly.
Nasima, who was with her relative Anis Khan, consoled the victim and coaxed her to tell her story. Based on the victim’s narration, Mainyar asked her to lodge a police complaint at Dehu Road police station. The girl was accompanied to the police station by a couple of Maniyar’s colleagues. However, the trio was in for a rude shock when the Dehu Road police officials, instead of registering a complaint against the victim’s husband and in-laws, asked her to get back to her in-laws home. In addition, one of the constables even gave the victim Rs 20, alleged Maniyar.
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