Bollywood actor Kareena Kapoor has set an example for all the lovers by supporting her beau Saif Ali Khan in the on-going bad phase of life. Amidst of the on-going controversy, Kareena is lending her entire support to Saif as she was an eye-witness to the entire event.
If sources are to be believed, when Bebo learnt that cops have arrived at Saif's residence for a inquiring session, she packed up her shoot early and rushed to Saif's Mumbai's residence to issue her statement on the brawl-gate.
Bebo was accompanied with her sister, veteran actor Karisma Kapoor as she was also present at the ugly incident that took place at Mumbai’s luxurious restaurant. Bebo's statement has not yet been revealed. Meanwhile, Bebo has suggested Saif to take things calmly as it may affect their forthcoming flick 'Agent Vinod's release that is about to hit the theatres next month on 23rd.
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